Friday, February 4, 2011

Facebook and Web Security

Wait, I promise the post isn't as boring as the title! Keep reading!

You see, Facebook has enabled an account preference the lets you log in over HTTPS, which is far more secure than plain old HTTP, especially if you are logging in on an unprotected Wi-Fi network. Besides that, it makes the whole thing more secure in general. I don't know about you, but I am constantly updating my security preferences because, quite simply, I don't want friends of friends of friends reading my page. If I did, you'd be my friend anyway. Facebook is a nice utility for keeping in touch with my family when I'm away traveling. However, I don't want Joe Schmoe also keeping up with my wall updates and conversations. That negates the whole point of being able to selectively "add friends."

There is an article over at that tells you more about this option in depth. Down at the bottom of the article, there is also a tiny paragraph that tells you how to browse even more websites over HTTPS for more general security.


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